
With your help, OCCAC has been able to change lives in Okanogan County.

Second Annual Commitment to Caring Fund Drive

The pandemic, followed by high prices of gas and food, have left many of our community members in need of the most basic living necessities. Utility prices have increased. Housing prices have skyrocketed beyond what many people can afford. More people are relying on our local food pantries. 

Our neighbors are in need of your help. Will you help? 

A donation of:   

  • $10 helps fill a box of food. 
  • $25 helps a young and struggling family keep the heat on during the winter.
  • $50 buys a winter coat for a homeless veteran.
  • $100 helps prevent a family from rental eviction.
  • $250 or more goes to the area of greatest need.
  • Or, become a sponsor for $1,000 or more and we’ll acknowledge the gift on our website as a Commitment to Caring major contributor.

Kindness towards others demonstrates the highest level of humanity within us.  Even the smallest gift helps, especially during the holiday season.