Our Services

Emergency Assistance
We provide a vital community lifeline to prevent homelessness and help people keep up with their utilities. Our services include rental assistance, emergency shelter, and energy and utility assistance.
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Homeless Youth – Young Adult Services
OCCAC is leading the effort to reduce and prevent homelessness for youth and young adults through five priority service areas: stable housing, family reconciliation, permanent connections, education & employment, and social & emotional well-being.
Weatherization and Home Repair
Keeping your home maintained and energy-efficient can improve your quality life and help you save money in the long run. We can help! Our services include weatherization through broken glass replacement and insulation installation, home improvement programs such as new roofs or electrical systems, and fee-based assessment services.
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Food and Nutrition Programs
We work hard to fight hunger in our community through our food bank services. We also take a holistic approach to nutrition education through gardening, produce gleaning, and hands-on classes.
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Support Services Programs
Supportive Services for Veterans Families
Supportive Services for Veteran Families prevents homelessness by helping qualifying Veterans and their families gain access to the resources they need in order to successfully transition to or maintain permanent housing. Through the SSVF program, Okanogan County Community Action Support Specialists provide guidance and coordination to Veterans and their families, helping them make informed decisions, understand their options and gain access to VA benefits. Temporary financial assistance payments may also be available to help with expenses such as rent, utility fees, security deposits, moving costs, transportation and child care.
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